
評分5.0(4)asuszenbook13;ZenBookS13OLED13.3吋AI輕薄筆電灰色·$36,999.$43,900;華碩ASUSZenBookS13OLED美型筆電粉(Ryzen77840U/16GB/512GB/WIN11).$29,999.,評分5.0(6)98華碩Zenbook13UX331UNUX331UAUX331UX331U筆記本電腦液晶後蓋後蓋顯示屏頂.$1,817.滿額7.5折.location-icon中國大陸·華碩ZenBookFlipS13UX371UX331 ...,評分3.7(51)ASUS華碩ZenBook13UX331UN-WS51T超薄筆電13.3吋FHD觸控顯示器,第8代IntelCorei5處理器,8G...

asus zenbook 13

評分 5.0 (4) asus zenbook 13 ; ZenBook S 13 OLED 13.3吋AI輕薄筆電灰色 · $36,999. $43,900 ; 華碩ASUS ZenBook S 13 OLED 美型筆電粉(Ryzen7 7840U/16GB/512GB/WIN11). $29,999.

asus 華碩zenbook 13 ux331 筆電- 優惠推薦- 2025年2月

評分 5.0 (6) 98華碩Zenbook 13 UX331UN UX331UA UX331 UX331U 筆記本電腦液晶後蓋後蓋顯示屏頂. $1,817. 滿額7.5折. location-icon 中國大陸 · 華碩ZenBook Flip S 13 UX371 UX331 ...

ASUS 華碩ZenBook 13 UX331UN

評分 3.7 (51) ASUS 華碩ZenBook 13 UX331UN-WS51T 超薄筆電13.3 吋FHD 觸控顯示器,第8 代Intel Core i5 處理器, 8GB RAM,256GB SSD , Nvidia MX150 , Windows 10 ,背光鍵盤,指紋 · 未新 ...

ASUS Zenbook 13 UX331|Laptops For Home

At its heart is the latest 8th Generation Intel® Core™ i7 processor — which can be boosted to 4.6GHz when needed — with 16GB RAM and an NVIDIA® GeForce® MX150 ...

Zenbook 13 UX331|Laptops For Home|ASUS Global

At its heart is the latest 8th Generation Intel® Core™ i7 processor — which can be boosted to 4.6GHz when needed — with 16GB RAM and an NVIDIA® GeForce® MX150 ... ASUS Zenbook 13 UX331 · Review · Support · PC portable Pour la maison

ASUS Zenbook 13 UX331|Laptops Commercial and Office

評分 1.0 (1) At its heart is the latest 8th Generation Intel® Core™ i7 processor — which can be boosted to 4.6GHz when needed — with 16GB RAM and an NVIDIA® GeForce® MX150 ...

ASUS ZenBook 13 UX331 不到1kg的極致輕薄

ZenBook 13 的正式型號為UX331,內建Intel 第8 代Core i7 處理器、8GB DDR3記憶體,以及512GB SSD 等硬體規格配置,即便硬體規格僅到中階等級,但還是能滿足不 ...

ux331 - 筆記型電腦(電腦電子) - 人氣推薦- 2025年2月

甄選 適用ASUS華碩Zenbook 13 UX331UA C41N1715 UX331UN筆記本電可開票. 1,284. P幣.

ZenBook 筆記型電腦

ZenBook UX331質感金屬機身重量僅1.2公斤,薄至1.39公分,為世界最薄獨顯筆電。同時具有6.9mm窄邊框設計、高達80%屏占比,小巧機身呈現廣大視界。承接Zenbook經典的同心圓髮絲 ...

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華碩 CES 2018 新產品新資訊快速一覽
